Friday, September 21, 2007


Rumo_r N+e,w's_:
Oncolog**y M e d,. I.n+c*. (OT*C: ONC-O) a Can_cer Treat_men-t So,luti_ons Grou p is s_a.i.d to h_a,v,e
e'x.perienced o,v_e+r a 1000+% incr_.ease in r'e*venues f.o r t,h+e fis cal 3-r*d q*uarter endin_g J*u+l-y*,

2*0.0*7 co mpare'd w'i,t+h t-h-e pr'ior y-e'a*r w,hile fisca l fou*rth quart*er resul+ts f-o-r 2'0_0 7 a*r_e on

trac.k to e+xceed t_h,i+s ye*ar�s thir-d quar-ter resu-lts.

O+N'C_O a dd'itionally pla-ns to inc 'rease ser vice of-feri+ngs whic h a+r-e c_urrent ly underwa__y.

D on�t w_a,i-t f o*r t_h e n e*w's to c-o*m*e o_u+t a n_d l-o_s'e t*h_e oppor,tunit'y to g e.t in fr_ont of the

g_eneral inves' publ+ic. On,co'logy M+e d is in a multi*+billion d_ollar indus 'try w_h.e*r'e
t-h'e.y a+r.e ga.ining rapidl'y.

C.a l*l y-o'u+r broke-r n'o,w f.o.r O+N-C'O'.

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