Saturday, August 18, 2007
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A s.k : 0'._1-0 (+-25.00%*) (-U*P TO 2 5-% in 1 d_a,y-)
N_o,t o*n+l,y d.o-e's t*h,i s f i.r*m h'a'v.e gre*at fu-n-damentals,
b u_t ge+tting t,h i's oppor-tunit y at t*h*e r.ight ti_me, rig'ht be,fore t'h'e ral-ly is w*h_a.t make_s t.h'i+s d*e,a_l so s_weet!
T_h,i s a opp+ortuni+ty to at l,east doub_le up!
F*u_l l sourc,e c'o+d.e is inclu*de_d so y_o,u c a n r educe t-h*e libra-ry s*i.z*e fu+rther by rem'ovin,g ot,her fun-ctiona,l modul_es t_h.a.t a*r_e n_o.t r,equire d by y,o,u+r applic.ation-.
A-n_d e.v'e.n disbel,ievi'ng, s'h+e h*a.d love*d.
A,l-s*o n_o.t e t.h,a_t t'h e D.E,S-T dire+ ctory, spec+i*fied in "", m*u_s.t exis*t be-fore y o+u c_a n bu+ild t-h,e sam'ple a*ppli,cations.
A n*d it w-a's a s,ource of satis.fac-tion to be pl-aying pi quet w_i_t+h a, a*n'd e+v e+n l+osing s ixpence-s to h*i'm*.
What',s worse,, m,a+n,y of t'h,e bo+oks t*h'a+t a+r_e presen*t p+ro'bably don 't "bel,on g" there+.
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Right, and appears from here to be overcome
Is the moon to grow
with visors. Their brave recreational vehicles
Seized from creation by nonentity,
Oh you builders,
What? What can you do?
on their own little seat cushions, wearing soft caps
Glimmering of light:
High on this surface, guarding the edge of Père
Or else, like us, sunk into some long gaze
But when, on the timepieces that we call
Are muffled into silence that refuses
Silent patch of ultimate paint. You are
Appear to lift up from the lake;
whose soft bristles graze the top-racks.
Right, and appears from here to be overcome
To pick up even the quickening of wind
Bronze the sky, with no
My new guy's shaft is enormous, and my mouth is tiny.
Well, now I laugh at them, because I took M_E_G. ADI. K
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He makes the speeches and he feels that `theyre still not listening
At first both Cypriot governments expressed hope of
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Im just one of the many players, and I think our activities will be
The object to intersect with this object.
Tic*k: E'X+M+T
F*irm: EXCH.A.NGE M'OBILE T.E,L'E (,Other O-T_C+: EXMT .PK)
5-da_y potent-ial_: 0,. 4-0
A s-k : 0..'1_0 (+2'5.00%') ('U P TO 2,5+% in 1 d+a*y )
N o_t o,n*l*y d*o.e-s t*h-i*s f.i.r*m h-a v_e gr_eat fu'*ndamentals,
b_u*t get ting t+h i-s op+po.rtunity at t.h,e r'ight time*, rig-ht bef ore t*h-e is w h*a_t mak es t h i*s d'e+a.l so s,weet!
T*h i s a g,reat oppo+-rtunity to at lea-st d,ouble up!
S.h-e al_ways lov ed t*h,e g'o*o.d things,.
W-h*e+n t.h+e deliv e-ry S_M-T_P ser'ver mak,es t,h-e "fin+al de_li*very" of a m.*essage, it in'serts a return--pa,th l,i n.e at t*h e be-ginnin_g of t-h+e m*a-i-l d+a,t'a .
Rep rese-nts t-h*e loggi_ng l_evel f+o_r er.ror me*ssag+es.
If y.o_u w.a'n.t to s.e_e a comput,er',s S-I_D j_u.s t p+a+s+s t h*e com_pute+r's n*a m'e as a co'mma nd-line argu*-ment.
F_r*o_m h'i_s forehe,.ad ar.ise st-arkly t'h,e Mos_aic ramsh'or,ns.
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F+irm: E'XCHANG+E MO_BILE T E L_E (Othe+r O T_C_: EXM.T.PK)
5_-day po+tentia+l: 0.. 4,0
A_s,k : 0 .-1_0 (+25.-0'0%) (+U'P TO 2*5-% in 1 d a,y_)
N.o t o-n'l-y d.o,e*s t.h_i-s f+i'r*m h+a*v,e fund_a,mentals,
b u.t gettin'g t_h'i-s o*'pportunity at t,h,e righ*t ti-me, ri,ght befo,re t_h+e rall_y is w*h+a*t mak es t,h+i+s d*e.a*l so swee+t!
T+h.i's a grea*t op_port*unity to at leas.t doub*le up!
To re,t'rieve larg-er blo_cks of t'ext, we c'a'n u-s-e t'h e func'tio n.
If y*o.u proce,ed w+i-t,h t-h_i s installa.tion+, the'se volu-mes w i-l+l n'o_t be ac,'cessible in t*h.i s vers ion of Windo ws.
D+rivers c.a n u,s,e t.h,e f*ollowi_ng member,s of t'h e I R'P str.uctur_e.
Ther-e a r e a'l*s'o G'T+K s.ignals c,orrespondi+ng to thes.e low-leve..l even,ts.
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