Saturday, August 11, 2007
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By that time, indeed, he had sunk into a harsh and repellent silence on all topics. He went through the exhausting routine of farming with an iron-like endurance, watched with set lips the morning and afternoon trains leave the valley, and noted the growth of the pine tree with a burning heart. His only recreation was collecting time-tables, prospectuses of steamship companies, and what few books of travel he could afford. The only society he did not shun was that of itinerant peddlers or tramps, and occasionally a returned missionary on a lecture tour.
That paragraph furnishes a text for a few remarks about one of the mostcurious and notable features of my subject -- the length of German words.
Where should he go? He was dazed by the unlimited possibilities before him. To Boston first, as the nearest seaport. He had taken the trip in his mind so many times that he knew the exact minute when the train would cross the state line and he would be really escaped from the net which had bound him all his life. From Boston to Jamaica as the nearest place that was quite, quite different from Vermont. He had no desire to see Europe or England. Life there was too much like what he had known. He wanted to be in a country where nothing should remind him of his past. From Jamaica where? His stiff old fingers painfully traced out a steamship line to the Isthmus and thence to Colombia. He knew nothing about that country. All the better. It would be the more foreign. Only this he knew, that nobody in that tropical country farmed it, and that was where he wanted to go. From Colombia around the Cape to Argentina. He was aghast at the cost, but instantly decided that he would go steerage. There would be more
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Coextensive with everything? How could they know?
My only thought is for what has
Beneath a pile of corpses, lying massed
Cuts out of its width (81). Unfair
Wheel tracks entrench themselves in snow, yet painted
And the worldsskiffs rudderless, rolling on
To watch me watch drowned snow lift from the lake.
Everywhere, utterly.
XIX. Jones Sound and Beaufort Sea
The snowflakes are swirling, blotting out
Covering the land
and the numbed yards will go back undercover.
XII. The Mystery of the Missing Ships: The Franklin Search
That rings, with faithful tongue, its pious note
grow hot in the parking lot, though they're
Oh, I know. The snow. The effective snow
XIII. The Route to the North
Preface to the 1970 Edition
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