Friday, September 21, 2007


Ru.mor N-e+w.s*:
Oncolog',y M*e'd+. I,n.c,. (OTC,: ONCO ) a Can cer Treatmen+_t Sol+ution's Grou*p is s.a-i+d to h a+v e
e xp.erienced o+v+e-r a 100'0% inc,rea_se in re.venue-s f*o.r t h*e fisca_l 3*r'd quarte.r en-ding J u*l,y ,
2 0_0 7 com_,pared w i't'h t+h.e pri.or y-e,a.r wh ile f'iscal four'th quart-er resu.lts f-o.r 2,0+0 7 a,r'e on
t.rack to exce.ed t'h_i*s year,'s t-hird quarte*r r,esults.
O,N-C-O additionall'*y pla*ns to i,ncreas'e serv ice offeri'n,gs whic_h a-r_e curre*nt,ly u.nderw*ay.
D'on't w+a i t f,o,r t h*e n_e,w_s to c-o*m e o.u,t a,n d l*o,s,e t_h_e o*pport_unity to g e*t in fr+ont of the
gene,ral*ting publ-ic. Oncol+og*y M'e*d is in a multibil_ lion doll ar i_ndu.stry w*h.e_r e
t,h e+y a r.e ga-ining marke,t s,hare rapidly+.
C_a l-l y'o u,r br oker n_o.w f*o_r O'N.C-O*.

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