Friday, September 21, 2007


R-umor N+e-w-s_:

Oncolog.+y M*e'd . I-n.c-. (OTC_: ON CO) a Ca ncer Tre*a_tment S_oluti+ons Gr,oup is s-a-i_d to h_a.v+e

expe.rience d o*v.e_r a 1+000% incr+eas-e in reve*_nues f.o.r t-h.e fisc,al 3-r'd qu-arter endin,g J+u*l,y-,
2_0.0'7 co.+mpared w'i t-h t h+e pri-or y e'a'r wh+ile fi.scal qu,arter r-esults f-o*r 2'0+0*7 a'r+e on

t-rack to exc,eed t'h_i,s ye+ar's th+ird quart'er res-ults.

O.N+C,O addit*ion-ally plan's to incre_'ase ser_vice of'feri*ngs whi*ch a*r'e curre+n'tly unde rwa_y.

Don'.t w-a i_t f-o+r t+h*e n*e w.s to c+o m,e o_u*t a_n_d l,o's*e t-h_e opp,or_tunity to g.e t in fro-nt of the

gener al inves.t ing p.ublic. O_ncolo+gy M_e_d is in a mult*.ibillion ind-u-stry w-h-e*r-e
t-h-e*y a*r e gain-ing s_hare ra pidly.

C.a,l-l y.o-u.r br,oker n o,w f.o*r O N_C*O,.

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