Saturday, May 12, 2007

$89.95 Adobe Photoshop

Glory follows virtue as if it were its shadow.
It's better to be a lion for a day, than a sheep all your life.
You can cage the singer but not the song.
In youth we run into difficulties. In old age difficulties run into us.
Irreligion. The principal one of the great faiths of the world.
Give me a child for the first seven years, and you may do what you like with him afterwards.
No evil propensity of the human heart is so powerful that it may mot be subdued by discipline.
Every life is its own excuse for being.
Thou wilt find rest from vain fancies if thou doest every act in life as though it were thy last.
Like art and politics, gangsterism is a very important avenue of assimilation into society.
I delight in men over seventy. They always offer one the devotion of a lifetime.
The man who has ceased to fear has ceased to care.
God does not ask about our ability, but our availability.
The hardest struggle of all is to be something different from what the average man is.
Never open the door to a lesser evil, for other ones invariably slink in after it.
Take away the cause, and the effect ceases.
In every ascetic morality man worships a part of himself as God and for that he needs to diabolize the other part.
Remember tonight.. for it is the beginning of always.
Life belongs to the living, and he who lives must be prepared for changes.

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