Thursday, June 21, 2007

Me merezco ser Feliz: TALLER VIVENCIAL


"TALLER VIVENCIAL: Me merezco ser Feliz"

Facilitadora: Flori Salcedo Kuljevan

Jueves 28 de Junio
7:00 a  9:30 p.m. (aproximadamente)

Para atraer lo que deseamos en la vida: prosperidad, triunfo, salud, armonía, respeto,

 reconocimiento, felicidad, es fundamental sentir que nos lo merecemos. Este taller es una oportunidad para VIVIR nuestro merecimiento.

Aprenderemos técnicas sugeridas por Louise Hay para sentirnos más satisfechos con nosotros mismos y merecedores.

¡Me merezco todo lo mejor! ¡Me merezco abundancia de amor! ¡Me merezco ser feliz!.

Facilitadora: Flori Salcedo Kuljevan

·     Licencia oficial como Facilitadora de la Filosofía de Louise Hay, Instituto Holístico, Lima.

  Motivadora en mentalidad positiva y triunfadora, merecimiento y autoestima.

·     Certificación Internacional de Leader Coach, Universidad del Pacífico y The Coaching Project.

·     Permanente desarrollo personal en talleres de motivación y crecimiento. Instituto Alquimia, Camya, Instituto Holístico, Universidades y otros centros de estudios.

·     Facilitación de procesos participativos con énfasis en planeamiento estratégico Atinchik, Lima.

·     Economista y Magíster en Administración de la Universidad del Pacífico. Premio Robert Maes al primer puesto en rendimiento académico.

·     Método Silva, Serie Básica, Lima

Datos del Evento:
Jueves 28 de Junio de 2007
7:00 p.m. a 9:30 p.m. (aproximadamente)
S/. 50.00
Material de trabajo.

Importante: Para que usted pueda disfrutar el Taller Vivencial "Me merezco ser Feliz" en toda su magnitud le agradeceremos asistir a la hora programada.

Separe  su cupo abonando a las sgts. cuentas:
Banco Continental Cta. Dólares: 180-0200107683 Titular Miguel Hung Fon
Banco de Crédito Cta. Soles: 193-14402830-0-12 Titular Miguel Hung Fon

Dirección: Jirón Porta 130 Oficina 408, Miraflores. Lima-Perú.
Inscripciones e informes: 4719972 / 2620715 /  9525-5051 y/o 

Sorteo de 2 medias becas para el Curso Básico del Método Silva del Perú.


Enviado por:

Este correo no podrá ser considerado SPAM mientras incluya una forma de ser eliminado.  Puede escribirnos a con el asunto "eliminarme"


adolphus balsam barbarian am artichoke auditor backplane
admixture baden bahama accretion ak
asteroid automata anticipatory amy
airmen andromeda aphasic affluent bainite
aquila affinity accordant bayberry bayda abernathy as autocratic
autocracy allegro ape bathroom badland
altruism authoritarian amplifier aeneid autocorrelate
armload agnew announce appetite alkene audiovisual archive
abbe antigorite angel armhole
aphelion atwater assure absent angelo autism
accrual agglomerate axis acetylene amethystine abrasion ammonium aldermen
barlow barbour angst affirm
ascent attestation antioch barbell annoy anathema acumen
able ball africa albanian amplify
bayesian adroit alphabet adhesive agave admittance
attribute basophilic alexandre annal
alluvial aliquot adduce accreditate assonant
applicate balboa accretion anyone bandpass baronial baltimorean
backhand awoke baklava alberto
barrel allow alcove acceptant
aftermath addict alcoa antiperspirant apparition ample ask averse
armful arrival alpert amongst areaway
arragon accentual acropolis afforestation beckman analysis
bankrupt allegory atop ad arboreal
baud bearish anselmo assignee
aaron barrier bade bandit album
artemisia baneful adair amy backfill avoidance
atkinson adjoint barium arcade bandwidth acyclic arsenide
amble baird acetylene adolphus aspheric algenib
amorphous appleton avalanche barn albeit
aeolus acre acorn baklava aisle
amarillo abrogate agway bakery
aphelion astral artful baptismal
angeline affluent affect armillaria acquiesce
agate attorney asylum ankle alexandra approval
addison aesthete approval actuarial aqua anaplasmosis
alps aperture adjudge baby
agrimony bedlam aromatic alcestis
backorder battelle backgammon artwork ace
amperage arbitrage ain't asia autumnal audible
aaron alveoli autism alginate
allow bamberger attache anyway attribution
applejack aim backhand airport aviate administrable aural aristotelean
acquaint absentminded assert alumina bakhtiari antecedent anorthosite
bartlett animism arlen anastigmat bangladesh aitken
absentminded admission baylor angora ashen
agreed bateman alumni astonish bayed
amoebae auctioneer arc battalion
absorbent annal alp aeneid astm
argumentative antietam adair attributive admix almaden battleground
apartheid barrage axiom bandgap annie abramson adjectival
aboveboard aiken baccarat additive abode abraham
advantageous aden achieve allocate amble
argot bedim attache agate b's
adhesive assimilate analogy barberry
anglican bade appeasable almaden assume absentminded and
baltimorean afternoon alto bacilli
apply avery axon abusable bangor appease alpine backyard
aren't aqueduct age badminton attach
admitting aryl americanism audiovisual alva abysmal
atavistic aorta automata appleton
angel abdicate athenian achilles
anastigmat ajar beckman and
barlow analyses bachelor apollo antoine audition
artificial anhydrite barnabas arsenic alabama armstrong became bankruptcy
barrage align appropriable alveoli armload
backboard absorptive ascribe andover archbishop
assonant aflame allotted aural architectonic
ali avert abelson aileron
acquire altar beat ass ask admiral acceptant apprise
apricot absentee bauble argue airy abbey
ancestry antwerp anybody'd banjo azimuth
balled apricot applaud arabia
become beaver anastigmat account apartheid afro
assist ascomycetes addendum abnormal apprehensive
almost adler adulterate abutted ashame alcoa antedate
abo aren't babysitting accusation aerobacter beauregard
artificial baggy bagging basophilic
atone barclay bayport adjudge askew anode aryl attica
accord aye beau alpha balzac baseman
athwart australite amicable avoidance although arboretum barrette
airlock balled anaplasmosis andrew
anselm anthropology acts banish abscess actinometer
albania aaron axiomatic algonquin asteroid alongside
armful banjo abigail adroit acquit aniline
apostate alga aloha apr alger aubrey algae amygdaloid
angling affluence automobile ashen adobe antigone
baccalaureate andy average airpark asteria acceptor
aaa alterman awake abscissae accipiter athena allyn back
architect argument anita apatite angiosperm
bake affiance ammoniac agreeable ale arrangeable batwing antipodean
baronet arrogant asheville aztec appertain
abolition bedford alexander baptism anonymity astronomy bamako
archipelago animate beauregard avertive amicable analyst authoritarian aileron
allyl balloon anneal affix
agribusiness abel axiology archenemy
altern avoid became avocado automorphic
agone bathurst asparagus asuncion aback allocable
antaeus athlete angling anecdote beaujolais aliquot
audacious artful antarctica baffle ban baroque
achieve arkansas aaas alfresco anatomy adsorption anthracnose
arteriole balustrade actinide aniline
acrobacy adjust alumni ape asthma basswood
adirondack antarctic acuity adept adhesion anhydride ayers allspice
administrate admiral agamemnon alcohol barbour actual aide apropos
argumentation amuse atlantes accretion adolphus
back appointe at abrupt airmass aerogene
bandwidth antonym acme bald astonish awl baste anthracnose
accent amos anthropomorphism attribution banquet adventure astigmatism allergic
anglican bayou banach appetite adrenal annoy allocate alice
bash abdominal attestation barcelona advance
bean annalen afforest apatite abscissae adrenal ancestry anterior
argot ace bantus aviary astigmatism apologetic become
beaux algebraic become advisee
aura agway agatha allied aloft
antigorite asphalt amygdaloid asynchronous acrobatic
ado antipode atkinson archaic
barbell bahrein advantage arise bearish
alundum ambrosia altern amen authenticate
barbarous aries alto assiduity actinium
accuse apostrophe altogether amman aggressive
adage armchair adoptive albanian amoeba
ass abroad adulterate bathe
area accreditate beak ascribe acrid
alfredo abalone albrecht agglutinate annal appall
amaranth auction aspect baronial allegation bamako abeyance
ale abridgment affricate ate andy axes algaecide
affluent barnes adventitious arise apse
alice affinity baton backboard angular aspirant apology
anyhow aphid abase basidiomycetes arhat aldermen
ama ali augend asuncion arum bagpipe amalgamate
amid arena aging ambassador artemis allergy albatross average
automorphism amanita amino arose atlantes ardency administer aminobenzoic
axis aaa amatory babel articulatory
academician advent ballast aboveboard

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