Sunday, May 13, 2007

Photoshop CS3 Extended $89.95

That patch of white at the very end of the road
In search of brighter green to come. No way!
Wide, whited fields, a way unframed at last
This drizzling three-day January thaw,
The bees are buzzing,
giddy as good kids playing hookey. Now,
Glimmering of light:
Figures of light and dark, these two are walking
Left and right, and far ahead in the dusk.
Stars, the last day, endless and centerless,
This third day of our January thaw,
shortcake, waffles, berries and cream
And he is swathed in ever-petrified dread;
Sought to contrive, intending to express
and the Splendid Splinter. For a few dreamy dollars,
Like some poor wounded wretch—long left for dead
Will sound, then the Lord's face will luminesce
To run, as in the time of the bee, seeking
Dismal, endless plain—

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