Tuesday, March 05, 2002


—The place the road ends, that patch of white paint
Comes up with as a means to its own end.
shortcake, waffles, berries and cream
II. List of Franklin Search Parties
That neither the motionless farm couple trudging
This drizzling three-day January thaw,
into early blooming. Then, the inevitable blizzard
Set on that tomb in the eternal night;
Rain. We are forced to fly,
At these masses the snow hides from me.
In white, in paint too representative
II. Quest and Conquest
A frame of glided twilight—I
Would their world not remain comfortably
Of observation lying on the ground
A frame of glided twilight—I
Suddenly, in a savage, dreadful bend,
To follow in the path of their brief blossoming
In a single floral stroke,

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