Monday, June 04, 2007

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When we are out of sympathy with the young, then I think our work in this world is over.
An autobiography is an obituary in serial form with the last installment missing.
To be tested is good. The challenged life may be the best therapist.
The censure of those who are opposed to us, is the highest commendation that can be given us.
If one man says to thee, ''Thou art a donkey,'' pay no heed. If two speak thus, purchase a saddle.
Submit to the present evil, lest a greater one befall you.
Your attitude determines your altitude.
Boredom: the desire for desires.
We will not know unless we begin.
Inside you there's an artist you don't know about. He's not interested in how things look different in moonlight.
I don't get acting jobs because of my looks.
The fragrance always stays in the hand that gives the rose.
Greatly begin. Though thou have time, but for a line, be that sublime . Not failure, but low aim is crime.
He who is slow to anger has great understanding, but he who has a hasty temper exalts folly.
Authority is never without hate.
Worldly fame is but a breath of wind that blows now this way, and now that, and changes name as it changes direction.
I would be a billionaire if I was looking to be a selfish boss. That's not me.
Chance fights ever on the side of the prudent.
Make sure to send a lazy man the angel of death.

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