Friday, September 21, 2007


Rumo+r N.e'w.s*:
O-ncolog-y M_e d+. I'n-c*. (.OTC: ONC+O) a Ca,ncer T'reatm_ent Solut,io_ns Grou+p is s+a.i,d to h+a_v'e
experien +ced o-v e.r a 100,0% inc'.rease in re*v_enues f,o*r t_h_e fi*scal 3 r_d quar+ter e,nding J.u,l*y.,
2_0,0.7 co'm,pared w+i_t,h t*h_e p'rior y,e*a*r whil.e fi scal fourt_h quar'ter re.sults f o,r 2*0.0+7 a+r,e on
tr_ack to exc+eed t'h.i's year''s thi+rd quart er result-s.
O'N.C O addition-all-y plan's to inc.r_ease servic-e of f-erings wh.ich a.r,e c.urren'tly un.derw+ay.
Do n't w,a*i.t f+o'r t h e n.e*w's to c-o,m'e o-u t a'n*d l o-s'e t_h*e opportun,'ity to g'e+t in f-ront of the
ge*neral i nvest,ing pub lic. O*nc_ology M.e_d is in a multibil_li.on do_llar i.nd'ustry w*h+e*r e
t*h*e,y a+r e g,aining mar*ket sh_are rap idly.
C-a+l,l y-o'u,r b*roker n_o_w f,o.r O_N'C.O..

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