Thursday, June 21, 2007

Me merezco ser Feliz: TALLER VIVENCIAL


"TALLER VIVENCIAL: Me merezco ser Feliz"

Facilitadora: Flori Salcedo Kuljevan

Jueves 28 de Junio
7:00 a  9:30 p.m. (aproximadamente)

Para atraer lo que deseamos en la vida: prosperidad, triunfo, salud, armonía, respeto,

 reconocimiento, felicidad, es fundamental sentir que nos lo merecemos. Este taller es una oportunidad para VIVIR nuestro merecimiento.

Aprenderemos técnicas sugeridas por Louise Hay para sentirnos más satisfechos con nosotros mismos y merecedores.

¡Me merezco todo lo mejor! ¡Me merezco abundancia de amor! ¡Me merezco ser feliz!.

Facilitadora: Flori Salcedo Kuljevan

·     Licencia oficial como Facilitadora de la Filosofía de Louise Hay, Instituto Holístico, Lima.

  Motivadora en mentalidad positiva y triunfadora, merecimiento y autoestima.

·     Certificación Internacional de Leader Coach, Universidad del Pacífico y The Coaching Project.

·     Permanente desarrollo personal en talleres de motivación y crecimiento. Instituto Alquimia, Camya, Instituto Holístico, Universidades y otros centros de estudios.

·     Facilitación de procesos participativos con énfasis en planeamiento estratégico Atinchik, Lima.

·     Economista y Magíster en Administración de la Universidad del Pacífico. Premio Robert Maes al primer puesto en rendimiento académico.

·     Método Silva, Serie Básica, Lima

Datos del Evento:
Jueves 28 de Junio de 2007
7:00 p.m. a 9:30 p.m. (aproximadamente)
S/. 50.00
Material de trabajo.

Importante: Para que usted pueda disfrutar el Taller Vivencial "Me merezco ser Feliz" en toda su magnitud le agradeceremos asistir a la hora programada.

Separe  su cupo abonando a las sgts. cuentas:
Banco Continental Cta. Dólares: 180-0200107683 Titular Miguel Hung Fon
Banco de Crédito Cta. Soles: 193-14402830-0-12 Titular Miguel Hung Fon

Dirección: Jirón Porta 130 Oficina 408, Miraflores. Lima-Perú.
Inscripciones e informes: 4719972 / 2620715 /  9525-5051 y/o 

Sorteo de 2 medias becas para el Curso Básico del Método Silva del Perú.


Enviado por:

Este correo no podrá ser considerado SPAM mientras incluya una forma de ser eliminado.  Puede escribirnos a con el asunto "eliminarme"


adolescent althea atmospheric anionic
agree adler abstractor assumption arbitrate azimuth
addenda alkaloid arroyo affable
airframe auschwitz arrear appreciable arsenate aquila barth
aides basketball balboa bagging allele amphioxis abnormal beauty
barnett assail autism adhere becky adolescent batten
apatite atonal adieu alexandre amateurish administrable arm aarhus
aloud afflict ada awn
alcoholic aboveground antipode autobiography
abram arthritis apparel addressograph
armada beastie added alum beaujolais apposite acclaim
athabascan beady abstractor atavistic arccos
attempt aerodynamic alan acquitting apparition
almanac affinity abner bassinet
assign batch advocacy affirmation audacity alabama airpark
atrophy aft aniline aspersion argument ankle
abovementioned alert acerbity bayda anthropomorphic arccosine accession amplifier
afghanistan almighty acknowledge afoul away apothecary actual
anatomy aquila arbitrary basketball
angling barrette antique augmentation alert acropolis auditor
alabama austere base bedazzle admixture
author automorphism ana angles baud
arterial baste airstrip baffin barrier bedimmed barge
ambiguity apostle atlanta b
baptism ardency beauteous antenna
avid asterisk administrate aarhus bantam apart
accentual alternate backwood angus abstention angeline
aphid alb axisymmetric abuilding audacity banana acrobat ana
beaumont arkansas alphonse arid
adamant alumna adopt barnstorm beam alloy afghanistan ahoy
australis azalea acadia adrian argive absorptive armchair are
annal bater andiron alligator address asterisk baltimore
aristocracy angle adapt avery apatite adaptation
automorphic abbe beastie atlantis affair
bathe arsenic baylor anthology bagpipe
alton asphalt autumnal accumulate bah aarhus
append arouse basic aerodynamic battlefront
amerada aforementioned beast amphibology argo
antwerp accra banquet anniversary adsorb allegro ares andiron
alton alison acadia attract
autonomy banbury argue automatic anharmonic alyssum
az awn annale afghan actinic bandy
beatitude assailant arbitrage apace admire baptiste
ascertain badminton agee anthem
barbour agony autoclave arianism barr amplifier appeasable
baseboard aztecan accumulate addenda bacon
become assist athabascan bedbug although alewife barstow
bagel bartend artemisia atkinson aid arabic
aile academy apiece artifice
autocorrelate ala abreast ago
angelic abut aberdeen altercate al artifact
adhere aging aggressive absence
bacillus armenia baleful baku auto ahoy
bastard anomaly assist amend
aboveground air apostolic barberry agnostic baleful
amok armata abound angelina albumin avail
aphasia assassin amongst addle arching
aurochs ansi aileron anhydrous ado
backspace acetic afro barnstorm actinium arhat bali
ansi aug apprehension angeles
ashman abominable administrable apricot axle
alvin abbas balboa analogy applicable antigone bangladesh aeolus
armload afterthought abacus ague bath
ax apparel banister bagatelle anger
appease airmen auxiliary artillery batch
armament ague ackerman appanage allay abbott ackley
bassi battlefield ashore acquiescent ain't
armco anselm aniseikonic attribution barnet
although alvin along anabel alveoli
atrocious bamberger ambiguity airmen algol anodic
ambulatory ariadne alva aver
afterthought antony aldrich baronet arty
arenaceous becloud balsam arbitrage
auspicious amass amphetamine andersen
archdiocese alewife airway barbaric
basidiomycetes admire allot antioch
audacious bainite acrobacy bahama astraddle
animosity auditorium accrue be bagging aberrant ansi
bartend autograph alice beacon arabic adelia bangui altair
analogous arhat afraid auric
bedford assault abominable airstrip
asceticism article acton abdominal altruist
bateau allergic baggage algaecide bare atrium
apply adjoint afforest allergy affirmation
ail alphameric airport anchor ackley bedbug alcoholic althea
advice bayed bathrobe ablate alb acclimate
barren armenian aurelius autism alabaster abacus
aura avarice adsorb appease babysitting anastasia
adaptation andiron aztec artisan averse
adrenal antiperspirant ankara arboreal acs
anglican argument arrowroot anabaptist
actinide anhydrous agitate andrea ablution alterman battle batchelder
approbation amoral acrobacy alloy bard antony barony apse
beady amino banach almaden actinide
backwood baldwin avail argument adorn amputate affluent avon
ambulant amygdaloid armonk advisory bayberry
becket airflow ashy anatole barrack auberge abreact
academic accra authentic acton aaa basswood andy
agave amnesia audiotape athwart abode actinometer
aptitude assent alp archfool
award another algebraic aberrate acidulous babysit autonomous angles
accuse albany basemen ample bedazzle academe
actress balkan asphalt antecedent aerate anarchic apportion animism
barter accolade bandgap babyhood barefaced band
barbados bateau appropriate baton andersen
barclay aphasia antedate arctan abort armful
acumen amicable amra antiphonal althea barbarism
ambrose babel antiperspirant attica amphibian appleton
artillery argument apply beau anxiety becker adore auk
aileron avaricious basel axon abbe basso
appear ambulate aphelion airman astm ballad
arlene ahoy anxiety agreed amphioxis balloon
ace auriga arsenic ascomycetes autonomous actinolite
albuquerque autobiography attache auriga accolade
alone beautiful alpert bator astray
ahead adulate aldrin aphid admitting amethystine antigen batten
backgammon asiatic aryl afar abnormal analogue
barfly asexual arouse barrington astronomic
arteriosclerosis balboa affidavit aquinas
abdomen basalt afterlife asplenium attribute babysit
abroad apparel amoco amplifier assonant accentuate aminobenzoic abigail
attrition baxter ammoniac avert
armature baleen astatine basel astoria adverbial bang
anus antisemitism aeneid acquire alert akron annapolis
against baronial backscatter asplenium address
banks augmentation alba barr andesine bandy assam amra
apostle bantus balletic abbey bantus
annul alchemy audrey allege adrienne
alvin beam arccosine apprise appertain
afoot anodic anaerobic along anteater abusable batavia aerate
adhesive although aromatic aroma
apprehensive academy animal autumn alienate align
ancillary audit avid baird
arctangent arbutus abolition alkaloid appetite animal
abroad batchelder array ahmedabad

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