Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Adobe Suite 3

I'm not so think as you drunk I am.
Take heed of critics even when they are not fair resist them even when they are.
The greatest potential for control tends to exist at the point where action takes place.
He who holds back rising anger like a rolling chariot, him I call a real driver other people are but holding the reins
The City attaches an exaggerated importance to the healing power of lunch.
If some great catastrophe is not announced every morning, we feel a certain void. nothing in the paper today , we sigh.
It was prettily devised of Aesop, ''The fly sat on the axle tree of the chariot wheel and said, what dust do I raise! ''
There are people who laugh to show their fine teeth and there are those who cry to show their good hearts.
Advertising may be described as the science of arresting the human intelligence long enough to get money from it.
I made up my mind long ago that life was too short to do anything for myself that I could pay others to do for me.
I've never know any trouble than an hour's reading didn't assuage.
Positive anything is better than negative nothing.
In my experience, if you have to keep the lavatory door shut by extending your left leg, it's modern architecture.
Anxiety is the hand maiden of creativity
Architecture is petrified music.
One who gains strength by overcoming obstacles possesses the only strength which can overcome adversity.
If you think the United States has stood still, who built The largest shopping center in the world?
Knowing what you can not do is more important than knowing what you can do. In fact, that's good taste.
When Demosthenes was asked what were the three most important aspects of oratory, he answered, ''Action, Action, Action.''

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