Friday, May 11, 2007

Adobe Photoshop CS3 Extended $89

When something an affliction happens to you, you either let it defeat you, or you defeat it.
Leap, and the net will appear.
Death is not a period, but a comma in the story of life.
It's pretty hard to be efficient without being obnoxious.
It is easier to go down a hill than up, but the view is from the top.
Better to do something imperfectly than to do nothing perfectly.
Nature is a revelation of God Art a revelation of man.
Effective action is always unjust.
Let love give way to business give attention to business and you will be safe.
Life would be tolerable but for its amusements.
But curb thou the high spirit in thy breast, for gentle ways are best, and keep aloof from sharp contentions.
They make much of our drinking, but never think of our thirst.
Do you think that you shall enter the Garden of Bliss without such trials as came to those who passed before you?
The ego is not master in its own house.
People who like this sort of thing will find this the sort of thing they like.
Nothing is too high for the daring of mortals: we storm heaven itself in our folly.
Sometimes, I feel I am really blessed to be blind because I probably would not last a minute if I were able to see things.
A little man often cast a long shadow.
The very act of believing creates strength of its own.

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